Monday, January 11, 2010

Why Hello Little Fella

Recent Chasisms:

Chase while holding a doll: I'll be the daddy, Amaya will be the mommy, and Mama you'll be the brodder.

Andy while noting some of the adult friendly humor in Phineas and Ferb: You get the humor Mellon?
Chase: I'll get the hammer.

Chase at McDonald's: What's the chipmunk name I got?
Mama: I'm driving now. We'll find out when we get home.
Chase leaving McDonald's: Which name I got?
Mama: I'm driving now. We'll find out when we get home.
Chase on the ride home (repeatedly): I have 2 many chipmunks. Which one I got now?
Mama: I'm driving now. We'll find out when we get home.
Chase pulling in at home: Now which chipmunk I have?
Mama: Please child for the love of all things sane just wait a minute.
Chase: Ok
Mama as she digs out the chipmunk: Look it's Alvin.
Chase: ALVIN! Awesome. Now I need Simon. And Theodore. Let's go get them at McDonald's.
Mama: Eat your nuggets kid.

Chase while passing signs as he rides in the car: Forty-Five! Seven! Twenty-five!

Mama: It's time for bed Chase.
Chase: Five more minutes.

Chase looking at my clock screen saver: There's a 54 on your payder. We need the 3 and the 7 to come back.

Mama suggesting we do anything Chase doesn't want to do.
Chase: No, I did that yesterday.

And my personal favorite.

Chase while looking in the toilet at his #2 creation: It's just a little fella.


  1. I like the McDonalds story. Sounds strikingly familiar. lol.

  2. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Joshua likes to talk about his #2 alot! He'll say 'it was a BIG ONE mama'.. or I've got more Mama - it's a Mama one, a papa one, a Joshua one, Nana one, Grandpa one... naming all the times he needs to poop or something - so strange the male species!

