Friday, February 11, 2011


So just what was the Mellon up to that kept her from posting for 10 whole days? Well, my friends I was having myself a little private vacation--a Mamacation.  I think it was in January sometime that I made plans to go see a WVU basketball game on Groundhog Day with my cousin Manders, spend one glorious night at the Waterfront Hotel by myself and then go visit my parents in the Wood for a night. I tell you this because I want you to know that my original plan was quite reasonable--just 2 nights away.

But then, there was blabber about ice storms from the talking head weather people, so the weekend before my trip, Andy suggested I leave a day early instead to avoid the ice. So that became the new plan--I would drive to Morgantown on Tuesday, spend the night, have a spa day Wednesday morning and then continue with the original itinerary as written.

Then Monday came and with it an email at 2pm from my husband saying that it looked like the ice was going to start that night and continue through late Wednesday morning, so if I wanted my spa day, I'd better get on the I said: done! and began throwing any and everything I thought I might possibly need into a suitcase and pointed the Volvo due west. And that is the story of how I ended up spending 3 entire nights all by myself in the glorious peace and quiet of my own hotel suite plus one bonus night with my parents. And you'd better believe I enjoyed every stinkin' second of it--wanna see?

Tuesday morning, I slept in. Upon waking, I just lounged on my bed inhaling the glorious aroma of having zero responsibilities for the day. Around 10 ish, I finally roused myself enough to head down to the hotel restaurant for a delicious breakfast that was all the tastier because I didn't have to make it. Eating my meal in the silence of an empty dining room instead of surrounded by two siblings whining and squabbling at each other meant that I was able to read the entire paper--which I noticed has shrunk significantly in width.

After that, I headed to the spa for a day of pampering. Hey look--I'm a smurf!

I tried to make it to a movie that night, but forgot how crazy Beechurst Ave gets when students are trying to get home from class. So instead I got a Hardee's Hot Ham n Cheese (or two) and headed back to the hotel to watch Pay Per View and read. Heaven.

Wednesday found me feeling a bit guilty about the Ham n Cheese binge, so I hit the hotel gym. I took photos because I knew Jeanne would never believe I actually entered a gym of my own free will on my mamacation unless I had proof.

Not a bad view, eh? Leg presses have never been so relaxing.

Then I got my hair all prettified by my fabulous friend Wendy. If you're ever in Morgantown, you simply must go see her at Portfolio Salon. I mean look at my hair--I felt like a Herbal Essences model--minus all that silly moaning. Ok there was a little moaning involved--I mean look at how soft it looks. And it smelled like candy.  I love candy.

And then it was time to see my Manders. We had dinner at Golden Finch on High Street--which I also recommend. Delicious. I also recommend that you have a date as hot as mine when you go so that you'll catch admiring stares from the other diners. 

 And then it was game time. My husband never does anything halfway, so he got us floor seats to the game. We were right in front of the cheerleaders. I caught many a conversation that I probably wasn't supposed to be privy to--mad drama on the WVU cheer squad folks. Also the band was right behind us too, so it was loud. Very loud.  Also: I'm old.

I loved spending time with my bestie. But it never seems like enough. We could probably talk for 12 straight hours if we could ever arrange to have that much uninterrupted time together. But I'll take what I can get--I just have to make the effort to make it happen more often. Life flies by so you really need to make it a priority to spend time with those you love. Life lesson of the trip, by the way.

The best part of the game was at half time when they let elementary aged teams come out and play. It was so cute to watch them--and about halfway through I think they got so lost in the game that they forgot they were playing in front of such a large crowd which was really cool to witness. Love of the game. Love of the sport. Exercise. I dig it.

 On Thursday, I had lunch with my friend Sarah who is the director of Scott's Run Settlement House. I am in awe of all of the wonderful things that she does for the community there. I took a tour of the facility and learned of the various community outreach programs. This was one of my favorites--it's a quilt that they made during a family craft night. Each participant traced her hand and then wrote her dream on it. The hands were then hand stitched onto the quilt. It hangs in the office hallway. I think it's beautiful.

Thursday afternoon, I headed to the Wood to spend the night with my parents. We had a great conversation, ate a tasty ham and cheese wedgie from Fox's Pizza Den (i must have a thing for ham? and cheese?) and just enjoyed being in the same air space for a night. It was a great feeling to sleep in my childhood bed and then wake up to my Daddy making me eggs and bacon. It was like traveling back in time 25 years or so.

And then before I knew it, the Volvo found itself pointed east again thus effectively ending the Mamacation. But I will always have the memories. And also the ability to schedule another one say sometime this summer?? Huh Drew huh?

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