We took little noodle to the shore this past weekend. Our dreams of a future professional surfer in the family took a hit as little noodle was a tad terrified of the ocean. He was all good with the water until a wave hit him smack in the face. After that he was not about to go near the water unless he was safe in the arms of a trusted adult. While his Mama was completely enthralled by the discovery of sand crabs, Chase was less than thrilled by the little crawling crustaceans. He did enjoy the sand, but I think his biggest thrill was chasing after the sea gulls.
Nana and PopPop were staying there with us, so we took advantage of the free babysitting by hitting the town three nights in a row. Our second evening started out rather poorly as my zipper busted in my new dress minutes after arriving at the casino. Luckily we were at Caesar's where they have the new pier shops, so I rushed into Juicy Couture and found a lovely sundress that-oh joy--fit and had no zippers! So I had the sales girl ring me up while I was wearing it--it's not like I had anything to change back into. The broken dress went right into the trash--no more DressBarn for me. Given this rather unlucky start to the evening, you'd think that we'd be crazy to gamble, let alone gamble on a game--say Black Jack--that we'd never played in a casino before. Well you know us...Apparently, my fairy godmother must have decided that I'd had enough woe for one night because, according to an experienced gambler at the table, I was hitting when I should have been staying and staying when I should have been hitting. Amazingly enough though, I actually won money playing Black Jack. While I was cashing in my chips, the guy in line behind me said that I was so charismatic that I would surely win anything I chose to play. I think he may have been a wee bit intoxicated.
On our final night, we went shopping at the Pier for clothes that wouldn't be worn that minute, watched Harry Potter at the IMAX, and had a nice quiet dinner at PF Changs. When we returned to the house, I finished reading Harry Potter VII and then crashed before 11. What can I say, three nights of being out and about really took a toll on me. I'm not a spry young thing anymore you know.

Such a great recap. Avery was the EXACT same way in the ocean. All was great until she got hit in the face by a wave. After that, it was pure terror unless she was in the arms of an adult.
ReplyDeleteHooray for nights out. Oh, and hooray for making money on BlackJack. We went to Ceasars for New Years two years ago, and stayed for about 10 minutes, in which we lost $50 on the slots. Out we went, but we did find our way into some of the stores you speak of.
Glad it was a good time. And, that Chase enjoyed the world's biggest sandbox and those ever-pesky seagulls. "Let's take it to Scuttle, he'll know..."