Thursday, November 16, 2006

Lakehouse pictures

We went to the lake this past weekend. It is the first time that we have been there since it has undergone it's cosmetic makeover. When we arrived, the power was out, and it was pitch black. Luckily, the designer had put some decorative candles in the living room so we had some light. No water though because it is well water and without electricity the pump can't pump. Despite Andy's very best effort and the sacrifice of 10 matches, we couldn't light a fire because all the wood was wet from the rain they had that week. These inconveniences might have broken normal folks, but not my husband. He was determined to get pictures of the house, so he took pictures in candlelight. He was very excited, standing on stools to get a better angle and everything. The power came on an hour or so later, and he got to see all of the changes and take pictures in the rooms that had no candles. There are still things that need to be done--like get smaller stools because when we bought these, I must have forgotten that people have legs-- but overall we are quite pleased with the transformation. Extreme makeover has nothing on us!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:25 AM

    Looks AWESOME! I love the bedroom!!!!!!
