Let me get a closer look.
It is a Shopportunity! Get your purse Mama—I need more hats.
On Thursdays, I have training, so the kids come along to the gym with me. In order to get Chase to go willingly, I bribe him with the promise of Wendy’s chicken nuggets after Mama is done exercising. This works well because there’s a Wendy’s right by the gym, so the drive thru people are probably used to seeing sweaty people—I mean what’s the point of all that working out if you can’t get a Junior Bacon Cheeseburger and a Frosty when you’re done.
Anyway, because lunch is earlier on these days, we always have an hour or so to kill after we finish eating before we go up for our nap. Today we really packed a whole lot of fun into those 60 odd minutes.
First, we sat on the slippery stairs and sang songs and shook our booties.
After that, we played Hide & Seek. That goes like this:
Mama (while the kids run to their preferred hiding spot of the half bath): 7, 8, 9, 10! Ready or not, here I come!
Chase & Amaya: giggles. lots of giggles.
Mama; Now where could they be?
Before I’ve even taken one step in the direction of the door, suddenly it pops open and out storm two little munchkins.
Chase (laughing): Here I am mama.
Amaya: Tee Hee
Chase: Let’s do it again!
After we’d played 10 rounds of Hide for Two Seconds and Come Out Before Mama Has a Chance to Find You, Chase rode around on his scooter wearing his “Diving goggles” while his sister raced after him. Safety first—the living room air is awful salty.
Then it was time for Ring Around the Rosie—minus all that dreadful singing. We just went straight for the all fall down part.
Whew! We sure wore ourselves out. Good thing there’s this handy bench here where we can plop down and rest for a spell.
I'm about to share with you one of my deepest, darkest secrets. Are you ready? First we must travel back to a specific moment in time when I was pregnant with Amaya and Chase was going to school a couple of days a week. Perhaps you remember how I was when I was pregnant? The term basket case would seem appropriate here. I can't really be blamed for my insanity as it was directly caused by the alien that was growing inside of me. I maintain the theory that the little gremlin was spiking my blood with some sort of elixir that turned me into a scatterbrained, energy-less droid. I think she did it via reverse osmosis or something.
Did you catch my attempts at building up an excuse there? Preemptive strike, that's my preferred MO. I hope it worked because what happened two years ago is this: I completely forgot to send Valentines to school with Chase. No wait, forgot would imply that I actually had thought to do it at one time, when in truth the red holiday was nowhere on my radar. What’s really sad in all that is that I was an elementary school teacher for heaven’s sake. It’s not like I was unaware of the protocol. So there you have it--my deep, dark secret. I am that mother.
So last year, I overcompensated by stuffing treat bags so full of chocolates that the seams were near bursting. Then I felt another wave of guilt as I looked at all of the junk that came home with Chase February 14 and nearly hyperventilated. No kid needs to eat that much candy especially on the heels of Halloween, Thanksgiving, & Christmas.
So this year, well I just nearly lost my mind is what I did. I scoured the Oriental Trading catalog looking for something not food related to give as Valentines. Sure, there were lots of really cute stuffed bears and whirly gigs, but since I had a list of 60 students between Chase & Amaya, that wasn’t really what you could call cost effective. What to do, what to do?
This is what I came up with. I just printed out the circle labels, made enough copies of each, cut them out, backed them with the scallop circle and then adhered them with glue dots to the fan frame. I was a bit bummed that the red background copied as that washed-out color, but hey the kids are 3 & 1—will they really care or even notice? Of course not, it’s only my perfectionist inner demon that is screaming its displeasure. So I put in earplugs and ignored that sucker.
I made the tags so that the fans can still open and close because I wasn’t sure if the boxes would be big enough to accommodate an opened fan. The fans were a fairly frugal find from Oriental Trading, but if you’re super industrious, you could always make those yourself too.
I’m beginning to feel a little less guilty about my slacking two years ago. It would be awesome if I’ve completely forgiven myself by the time the cherubs are in elementary school. If not, I’ll settle for being guilt-free enough to just smile and hand over boxes of conversation hearts.
And now that you know my awful secret, do you think you'd still consider being my Valentine? I have no qualms about bribing adults with chocolate if that makes your answer any different.
This post is linked up with Cop Mama’s Mama Guilt Mondays. Check it out to add your own post or read other guilty tales.
I came across an envelope full of pictures of the Drew that Gran had given us awhile ago. Why not post a few of those pictures here for you to see and giggle over? I mean I haven’t made fun of my husband on the internet for quite some time, so how can I be asked to resist such good material? Of course, if you don’t hear from me for a couple of days you might want to check in on me, just to make sure Drew hasn’t locked me in the basement or fed me to the poopis. The man can be so touchy about public humiliation.
All I see when I look at the first picture is Chase. Crazy, right? It isn’t enough that Amaya is the spitting image of her father, but now I have to see my son there too? Not fair. |
I think this one was probably taken in middle school or early high school—a time in a young man’s life that is supposed to be awkward, but look at that perfect skin. Again, not fair. I do hope my children got his skin. They’d better not get that hair though.Oh my.
I think Gran may have gotten her
envelopes mixed up on this one.
I think I found Waldo.