Mickey a Mickey Mouse,
Rock the House!
Mickey a Mickey Mouse
Rock the House!
Mickey a Mickey Mouse,
Rock the House!
Mickey a Mickey Mouse
Rock the House!
Does anyone remember that "cool" version from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse? You know back when Britney, Christina and Justin wore big ears and neon pants? Anyway I have to say that we rocked Jenn's baby shower. I mean the Mama to be looks pretty happy here, right?
Not that the soiree didn't have its fair share of bumps along the way. Lesser party planners may have given up hope when their dog ate 15 hand-decorated Mickey Mouse cookies in one giant bite, but not me. Nope. Nor did I throw in the towel when the neck of the wine bottle broke when I was mixing the Sangria. So, I certainly wasn't going to abandon ship just because I knocked over a vase full of daisies completely soaking a prepared tray of goat cheese, sun dried tomato and basil crackers. I won't lie--I did almost lose it when one of the cakes slid into the side of the box leaving a giant icing-less hole, but I practiced my deep breathing techniques, and focused instead on the bigger picture. Why should these minor catastrophes bother me when I know that looking at the pictures, no one would ever have the slightest idea that the party hostess was this close to self destruction? You see, our memory is only as good as the pictures tell us it is. So just forget I ever mentioned any of the above, and no one will be the wiser. It will be our little secret, yes?
For entertainment, we made the guests get up and act silly while I took pictures. No, no. What I meant to say was that we played charades and win lose or draw with all Disney themed clues. Tell me the Sangria wasn't a good idea.
Danielle was in charge of the games, so my mother-in-law can only blame her for the photo opportunities that were provided. Of course, I'm probably the one to blame for posting those pictures on the internet, but let's wait and see if she figures that out on her own.

There didn't seem to be a lot of artists among the guests, but there were some huge Disney fans in the mix. Somehow, this drawing led to someone correctly guessing Cinderella.

Jenn did an okay job acting out her Pirates of the Caribbean clue. At least good enough that I felt no embarrassment in claiming her as family.
But then it was Jan's turn again. Not only did she do this to mime The Lion King,
Were the Village People the Miley Cyrus and High School Musical Disney machines of their time? Nope, it's just fun to stay at the YMCA when you're trying to get people to guess Hercules.
Presents! I love presents. Especially when they're wrapped in pretty colors and contain things like cute little socks and shoes.
Everyone kept calling me Martha Stewart at the party, but I'm going to have to pass the title on to the chick who put a giant sticker in the middle of the inside of her card. Now that's clever. Pretend you've never seen this when you get a card from me that looks exactly the same.
Have you ever witnessed such a show of feigned surprise when someone was presented with a gift that she picked out herself? Mad skills.
I guess trying to pack up all of those gifts was a more arduous chore than I expected. Holy Shine Batman!
Favorite picture of the day. Only would have been better if she would have stood up and danced the cancan for us. Now that's entertainment.
Let them eat cake!
Adam and Jenn look all happy don't they?I hope they enjoy these last few weeks of being a childless couple.
Of course, the best is yet to come.
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