We went to our annual Halloween play date on Sunday. Sadly, Joshua was unable to join the party this year, so it was just Chase and the two girls. I don't think Chase minded having the ladies to himself. Amaya was happy to partake in the festivities in her chicken costume. I'm thinking of photoshopping Joshua's face over hers so that we can pretend that he was there. Do you think he'd mind being a chicken? Of course, I'd have to learn how to use photoshop first, so I think maybe that won't happen after all.
Sam is a super woman. She is recovering from having her gall bladder removed but she still was able to host the festivities and make cookies for the kids to decorate. Makes me feel bad for all the slacking I do given how 100% healthy I am. Chase just ate knife after knife full of icing and of course little copy cat Amaya had to mimic his every move. Then neither one wanted to eat dinner--can't imagine why.
After the work was complete, the bakers indulged in a tea party. Amaya was in heaven with all of the girly stuff at her disposal. She kept trying to sneak Tinker Bell figurines into our bag. I have visions of many princess Halloween costumes in my future.
I have no idea what Allie is doing in this picture, but whatever it is the other three find it to be quite entertaining. I love the look on Tessa's face. Cracks me up.
And just cause I simply can't resist--a montage of Halloween play dates past.

Next year, hopefully Joshua will be at the Halloween festivities! He actually wore his costume with no problems this year!