Thursday, October 14, 2010

It came on a wagon

On Saturday while Drew and I were at Mountaineer Field sporting our gold and blue, the kids were in the midst of constant entertainment via the Grandparents at the lake. When we arrived there on Sunday, we got to see first hand one of the many activities in which they had partaken in our absence:

Box play! Drew had ordered a new wagon for the lake since someone had mistakenly removed our previous one from under our deck and never returned it. I'm sure they didn't mean to steal it--who on earth would steal a kid's wagon? Well, it turns out that Chase was much more interested in the box than the wagon. 

I just love this kind of imaginative play. I have very fond memories of turning a microwave box into a playhouse when I was 4 or 5--microwaves were HUGE back then you know. Watching Chase in this box reminded me of one of my most favorite children's picture books Christina Katerina & THE BOX by Patricia Lee Gauch.

In this story, CK and her friend Fats change a box that 'came on a refridgerator' into several different things. Her poor mom always thinks that the box has finally become trash worthy only to hear "That's not a box, it's a castle/race car/dance floor". I think I might have to dig through my stuff and find this book to read to my own little box transformer. Or myself at bedtime.

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