A day or so before we left on our trip to Disney, I pondered whether I needed to have multiple bottles of Advil at the ready for a plane ride with 3 preschool aged children. Let's just say that after experiencing the phenomenon of the tykes' excitement over being headed to the happiest place on earth, I'm sincerely glad that I opted for that second bottle.

Danielle is awesome. She lets me take silly pictures of her and never rolls her eyes or huffs and puffs at me the way that some people who I am married to do.

When we first loaded onto the plane, the activity level was so high that I wasn't sure the seat belts were going to be strong enough to hold the little gremlins in their seats. But then Drew waved his magic wand and produced portable DVD players which, when coupled with the catered lunch that was so expertly passed out by Danielle, resulted in a rather peaceful ride. Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo!

Everyone got a bit fidgety toward the end though. Amaya decided to ease her boredom a bit by taking a tour. She tried to get to the pilots to give them advice on how to land the plane, but security got to her first. Security being Daddy of course.

After checking into our hotel, we decided to head out for a quick trip to Magic Kingdom. It was cold, cold, cold, so as I was putting on my coat, I suggested Drew might want to wear his, too. Being a man, he of course acted all tough and said he didn't need it. See him suffering for this macho behavior?

Having to deal with such behavior from the males really makes us females want to pull out our hair.

Thank goodness the mini-males are more inclined to listen and actually wore their coats. Thus we were blessed with their happy, toasty warm faces as opposed to their turning into popsicles faces.

We arrived at last! Cinderella's castle is where I want to live next. I am constantly checking realtor.com to see if it's been put on the market. No luck yet.

Once in the park, we walked around looking at the sights and taking in a few attractions. We stumbled upon Buzz Lightyear, so of course we had to join the queue to see him. Chase was properly reverent when meeting the space ranger, but Amaya didn't seem too impressed with how far beyond infinity he could go.

You know Chase wasn't going to wait a single day longer to drive a race car. Amaya just barely met the 32 inch line to be able to ride and after spending the entire time with her clutched to my arm for dear life, I think they might be on to something with those height restrictions.

Chase felt the need, the need for speed. I imagine Drew was whispering in his ear, "Hurry before Mama sees you and makes you slow down!"

Long before we were ready to leave, night came and with it the travel crankies. With a sad glance back at my future abode in all of it's Christmas glory, we headed for the hotel for dinner and bed.

Awww so pretty. I think I'll keep this same lighting scheme when I assume ownership.
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