Amaya had her 6 month check up today. Yes, I know she's 7 1/2 months now, but for various reasons including my inability to correctly count and snow cancellations, she didn't make it to the pediatrician's office until today. While waiting in the exam room, I glanced at the infant development sheet that outlines common traits of babies Amaya's age. The phrase that immediately jumped off the page: craves constant attention. Really? Hadn't noticed that one yet.
Anyway, the little sprout has shot up to 19lbs 15oz and 28 inches in height. That's the 90th and 95th percentiles--she is a beast I tell ya. The doctor was impressed with her crawling, babbling, reaching, eating, peek-a-booing, and leg strength, so basically little sugar bean is an all around superstar. She isn't clapping her hands yet, but since that's a 9 month milestone, we've got a little time to work on it. What she is doing though is pulling herself up to standing in her crib and at Chase's train table. She bonks her head several times a day & earned quite an ugly scratch on her forehead during one of her falls.
I foresee many band aids and emergency room visits in my future.
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