Easter was quite a day!
We had a most Excellent Easter Extravaganza at Grandma & Grandpa's this year. We arrived in the Wood on Friday around 4, and the fun didn't stop for Mr. Magoo until we left Sunday at 1. He played, he partied, he shared his circle dance with all who would take a minute to sing "Circle Dance, Circle Dance, Fall Down". Here's a day by day recap of our weekend for anyone bored enough to read it.
Friday: We arrived at G-ma and G-pa's house with Noodle in toe. He of course quickly went about making the living room look like a toy junk yard. The little gremlin was on hyper speed as he raced around the room shoving various novelties in the faces of his grandparents. It was quite amusing to be on the observing side of this only as Monkey wants nothing to do with me when my mom and dad are around. No complaints on that by the way.
That night for dinner we had another of my favorite hometown foods that I can't seem to locate here in Virginia: the wedgie. Mmmm. The wedgie is a most delicious treat made by Fox's Pizza Den that is basically a heart attack wrapped up in crispy pizza crust. What they do is take two crusts that are not doughy, but not too crusty either and fill them with various meats, cheeses and more mayonnaise than an entire family should healthfully consume in a week. They do throw in some token veggies so that you can at least pretend to be eating something that could possibly fit into a food group. My favorite is the ham & cheese while Drew tends to go for a steak version. Yum-O. Now in the interest of full disclosure, I will tell you that the wedgie gave me heartburn too, but I feel it was probably the fault of the green peppers--stinkin veggies.
Saturday, Drew and I escaped to the lake for a few hours. We had an appointment to meet with a contractor to discuss the possibility of adding an addition to the lake house. We just wanted to get a rough idea about the process and time involved in such an undertaking. The builder we talked with actually built our house and used to live across the street. His family owned most of the surrounding land, and he told us lots of stories about all of the playing he did in the lake and the creek. It reminded me of when I was a lowercase mell and my cousins and I used to look for crayfish in the creek by their house. Such happy memories and that is one of the main reasons that I wanted that particular house: so that Chase could one day make similar memories of his own.
After the meeting, we had lunch at Santa Fe Grill (hello carrot cake) and then we headed back home to relieve my parents of Chase duty. The little rugrat had had quite the time rough housing with the grandparents and was in no hurry to be turned back over to his mom and dad. Again no complaints there.
We ate yummy ham, potato salad, green beans, corn, rolls and cheese cake around noon. We sat around pleased at our overindulgence for a bit and then it was time to waddle ourselves to the car for the uneventful journey home.
And that my friends was the Mellon Family's Excellent Easter Extravaganza.
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