We here at MellonBlogs are proud to present to you this exclusive offer. For a limited time only, life-like noodle replicas are available for purchase. The limited supply of this must have holiday gift has already been packed and is ready for shipment.
You will be amazed at the attention to detail. Special features include authentic screams and convincing bodily noises. Included is the book shown below that the knock off noodle will want read to him several times an hour.
But wait, if you act now, you'll also receive a second outfit, so you can dress your little Magoo to fit the occasion. This change of clothes is also handy for the true to life spit ups that this particular item delivers.
That's not all! Offers placed using Rice Krispie treats as the payment method will also receive a toy bus for the little Noodlebot to play with--sure to provide hours of fun.
Act now, supplies are limited.
We'd like to go ahead and place our order, for TWO Noodle replicas.
ReplyDeleteSo darn precious!!