For the last few weeks, I have been spending many hours in a futile search for my Canon Digital Elph camera. I like to have this smaller camera around to take to places where the big, bulky Digital Rebel is just too much of a hassle to bring--which is pretty much everywhere outside the 4 walls of my own home. It's also nice to carry around in my bag to catch any impromptu cuteness that the noodle chooses to unleash. Well, yesterday my little man found my long lost camera in one of his many drawer reorganization crusades. It was almost as though he knew I'd been looking for it b/c he carried it straight to me as soon as he'd located it. I tried to smother him with kisses to show my appreciation, but he just shrugged me off as if to say, "Just doing my job as a super hero, ma'am."
Speaking of the monkey's super powers, he says his name now. Well sort of. It goes like this...Chase will bring over the scrapbook that I made for him of his first day of life. The first picture in the book is of Chase waving (see above), and so every time we start perusing the book, I say, "There's Baby Chase". Now, in the past, Toddler Chase would just turn the page, point to the next picture, and mutter some gobbledeegoop that means, "tell me who this person is mama". But today, Ever Growing Chase said, "Ace" before turning the page and commencing with his mumbling diatribe. Told ya he was a genius.
Anyway, here are a few pictures that were on that long lost camera card. The picture of him with Shrek is from Jenn's birthday celebration which was possibly in June. Chase chewing on beads (say it with me: choking hazard) is from Jan's retirement dinner which was in May--I think. I'm such a great record keeper.
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