We had a very merry Christmas this year. Chase enjoyed visiting with Grandma, Grandpa and Uncle Rob. It can be said that the child hit the mother load with presents this year. Some of his favorites include his singing dinosaur and giraffe, his new books, his cow and his stacking pails. He also got a very nice wooden chess/checkers set that he was eyeing longingly. Unfortunately, he's too young to play checkers just yet, but it will be waiting for him when he's a bit older. Looking around, it occurs to me that Santa may have gone a bit overboard--thankfully he didn't run out of tape even with the wrapping of so many presents. As a special thank you for being so kind to our family, the jolly old elf got to eat some of our tasty gingerbread cookies. Mrs. Kringle raised her boy right because he left Chase a note thanking him for the yummy treat and for Rudolph's carrot.
Scatterbrained Laura completely forgot to take pictures of the morning festivities which she is hereby blaming on Chase who was just too darn cute to watch through a lens. Therefore, we must thank Uncle Rob for our only Christmas pictures this year. Behold, the photographic skills of my little (ha!) brother.

Gingerbread cookies decorated by mom and me
Merry Christmas to your house! Funny, how crazy Santa can get with the gifts. lol. My favorite picture is of your parents reading to Chase--so sweet!!! That will be one to cherish. Glad everyone had a good time.